At first glance, the internet seems like an uncontrolled and chaotic place. No matter where you go online, the internet follows a series of laws that can predict the behavior of users and their outcomes. To help guide you through this strange digital world, here are...
Why the Reason Respecting Tendency Matters
A Reason Respecting tendency describes our willingness to accept someone’s reasoning, even when we don’t understand it or disagree with it. It claims what’s most important is not the reason itself but the fact that we are given a reason. This is one of the most...
Rapoport’s rules: how to compose a successful critical commentary
At one point or another, you’re bound to disagree with someone. You might be thinking of a past disagreement or even a future one that you haven’t had yet. But how do you have a disagreement and successfully deliver a critical commentary that the person you disagree...
How Hitchens’ Razor Dismisses Claims Without Evidence
Hitchens’ Razor is the perfect mental model for creating evidence-based arguments. The model states, “What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.”- Christopher Hitchens In other words, the burden of proof falls on the person making...
What is the future of NFT applications?
NFTs, Grimes used it to sell digital art worth millions, and the founder of Twitter even used it to sell his first tweet. But what exactly is an NFT, and will they be around for much longer, or are they some kind of digital trend that will quickly fade away. Let me be...
Circle of Competence: a Mental Model for Investments and Life
The Circle of Competence is a concept that has helped investors like Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet get to where they are today. So, what is the Circle of Competence? It’s simply knowing what you’re good at and knowing what you’re not good at. If it sounds obvious,...
How the Twaddle Tendency is a Verbal Smokescreen
The twaddle tendency is the need to speak confidently on something we don’t know enough about. The talk that comes from the twaddle tendency never adds value or unique input. It’s typically a rote repetition of facts, lines they’ve heard somewhere else, or a jumbled...
The Dunning-Kruger Effect and What You Think You Know
What is the Dunning-Kruger effect? To put it simply, it’s the correlation of excess confidence to limited knowledge. It also shows a correlation for lower confidence in more capable people. Ironically, people overestimate their knowledge about the Dunning-Kruger...
Blockchain simplified: What you need to know
More people are increasingly becoming aware of blockchain because of the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Etherium, and, more recently, Dogecoin. But how exactly do blockchain work, and what is to stop someone from tampering with them? More people...
How to Avoid Stupidity and Solve Problems using Inversion
Inversion is probably one of the most important mental models you can learn, not because of what it can help you do, but because of what it can help you avoid. Inversion looks at a problem backward, asking the opposite of what it is you’re trying to achieve. If you...